thiol是什么意思 thiol的读音、翻译、用法

thiol是什么意思 thiol的读音、翻译、用法



1. I can smell the thiols in this wine.(我能嗅到这种酒中的巯基醇味道。)

2. Thiols are often used in the manufacture of rubber.(巯基醇通常用于橡胶制造。)

3. The thiols in garlic give it its characteristic odor.(大蒜中的巯基醇赋予了其特有的气味。)

4. These compounds contain a thiol group.(这些化合物含有巯基醇基团。)

5. The lab is studying the effects of thiols on cell growth.(实验室正在研究巯基醇对细胞生长的影响。)

6. Thiols are often used as antioxidants in cosmetics.(巯基醇常被用作抗氧化剂在化妆品中。)

7. The presence of thiols in the air can indicate the presence of a natural gas leak.(空气中的巯基醇存在可以表明天然气泄漏的存在。)

8. Thiols can be synthesized from alkyl halides and sodium hydrosulfide.(巯基醇可以从烷基卤化物和氢硫化钠合成。)

9. The thiols in some foods spoil quickly, causing them to have an unpleasant odor.(一些食品中的巯基醇容易变质,导致它们有不愉快的气味。)

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