Eimeria necatrix是什么意思 Eimeria necatrix的读音、翻译、用法

Eimeria necatrix是什么意思 Eimeria necatrix的读音、翻译、用法

'Eimeria necatrix'是拉丁语,意思是杀鸡美肠球虫。它是一种寄生于家禽消化道的原生动物,会引起禽畜的疾病。下面是9个含有'Eimeria necatrix'的例句:

1. Eimeria necatrix can cause high mortality in broiler chickens.(Eimeria necatrix可能导致肉鸡高死亡率。)

2. The use of anticoccidial drugs can control Eimeria necatrix infection in poultry.(抗球虫药可以控制家禽感染Eimeria necatrix。)

3. Eimeria necatrix oocysts can survive for a long time in the environment.(Eimeria necatrix孢子在环境中可以存活很长时间。)

4. The pathogenesis of Eimeria necatrix is complex and not fully understood.(Eimeria necatrix的发病机制复杂且尚未完全理解。)

5. Vaccination is a common method to prevent Eimeria necatrix infection in chickens.(疫苗接种是预防鸡感染Eimeria necatrix的常见方法。)

6. Eimeria necatrix can cause damage to the intestinal mucosa of chickens.(Eimeria necatrix可以对鸡的肠粘膜造成损害。)

7. The prevalence of Eimeria necatrix varies among different regions and countries.(Eimeria necatrix的流行情况在不同地区和国家之间存在差异。)

8. The diagnosis of Eimeria necatrix infection can be made based on clinical signs and microscopic examination of fecal samples.(可以通过临床症状和粪便样本的显微镜检查来诊断Eimeria necatrix感染。)

9. Eimeria necatrix belongs to the genus Eimeria, which includes many species of protozoan parasites.(Eimeria necatrix属于原生动物寄生虫属Eimeria,包括许多种类。)

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