Cabot是加拿大的词语,翻译为卡伯特,指的是法国裔探险家约翰·卡伯特(John Cabot)。
1. Cabot 发现了纽芬兰和拉布拉多海岸线。(Cabot discovered the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador.)
2. 加拿大纪念卡伯特成立了卡伯特纪念日。(Canada commemorates Cabot by celebrating Cabot Day.)
3. 维多利亚女王给卡伯特探险家的后代颁发了荣誉证书。(Queen Victoria awarded Cabot’s descendants with certificates of honour.)
4. 卡伯特沿海岸线航行,探险发现了新大陆。(Cabot sailed along the coast and discovered the New World.)
5. 卡伯特也是加拿大历史上的重要人物之一。(Cabot is also one of the important figures in Canadian history.)
6. 卡伯特成为了英国皇家的爵士,以纪念他的事业。(Cabot was knighted by the English monarchy in recognition of his achievements.)
7. 今年是卡伯特到达新大陆五百周年纪念。(This year marks the 500th anniversary of Cabot’s arrival in the New World.)
8. 卡伯特是十五世纪最著名的探险家之一。(Cabot is one of the most famous explorers of the 15th century.)
9. 卡伯特探险的精神一直激励着加拿大人民。(The spirit of Cabot’s exploration continues to inspire the people of Canada.)