1. The discovery of the new enigmosaur Enigmosaurus has shed new light on the evolution of armored dinosaurs.(发现新恐龙谜团龙为装甲恐龙进化提供了全新的认识。)
2. Enigmosaurus is named for its mysterious nature, as scientists had to piece together its body from fragmentary remains.(谜团龙的名称源自于其神秘的特性,科学家们只能从碎片中拼凑出其身体结构。)
3. Paleontologists discovered the enigmosaur Enigmosaurus in sedimentary rock in western North America.(古生物学家在北美西部的沉积岩中发现了谜团龙。)
4. Enigmosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur, using its sharp teeth and wide jaws to chomp through tough plant material.(谜团龙是一种食草恐龙,利用其锋利的牙齿和宽大的下颌咬碎坚硬的植物材料。)
5. Scientists believe that Enigmosaurus is closely related to a group of armored dinosaurs known as ankylosaurs.(科学家们认为谜团龙与被称为甲龙类的一类装甲恐龙密切相关。)
6. The unique skull of Enigmosaurus has raised questions about how it used its powerful jaw muscles.(谜团龙独特的头骨结构引发了对其强大下颌肌肉如何运作的疑问。)
7. Enigmosaurus likely lived in herds, providing mutual protection against predators.(谜团龙可能是群居的,相互保护,避免受到捕食者的攻击。)
8. Although Enigmosaurus had armor on its back and sides, its underside was vulnerable to attack.(虽然谜团龙背部和侧面有装甲,但其腹部很容易受到攻击。)
9. Enigmosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic, a time when many different types of dinosaurs roamed the Earth.(谜团龙生活在侏罗纪晚期,当时地球上有许多不同种类的恐龙。)