1. Crossosomataceae被认为是美洲洛基山脉地区最重要的植物群之一。
(英文:Crossosomataceae is considered one of the most important plant groups in the Rocky Mountains region of the Americas.)
2. 该科植物的叶子形状多样,从线形到椭圆形不等。
(英文:The leaves of plants in this family vary from linear to elliptic in shape.)
3. Crossosomataceae的许多物种都能够忍受低落的环境温度。
(英文:Many species in the Crossosomataceae are able to withstand low environmental temperatures.)
4. 有些Crossosomataceae植物是沙漠中最适应干旱的植物之一。
(英文:Some Crossosomataceae plants are among the most adapted to drought in desert environments.)
5. 对于科学家来说,研究Crossosomataceae植物的适应能力是一个挑战。
(英文:For scientists, studying the adaptive abilities of Crossosomataceae plants is a challenge.)
6. 该科植物的花朵颜色通常是黄色或白色。
(英文:The flowers of plants in this family are typically yellow or white in color.)
7. Crossosomataceae植物被广泛用于药用和园艺领域。
(英文:Crossosomataceae plants are widely used in medicinal and horticultural applications.)
8. 大多数Crossosomataceae植物生长在干旱的半沙漠和荒漠环境中。
(英文:Most Crossosomataceae plants grow in semi-arid and desert environments with low precipitation.)
9. Crossosomataceae植物被认为对土壤和水的质量有很高的要求。
(英文:Crossosomataceae plants are believed to have high requirements for soil and water quality.)