nutation是什么意思 nutation的读音、翻译、用法

nutation是什么意思 nutation的读音、翻译、用法




1. The nutation of the earth's axis causes the changing seasons.(地球轴的旋转震动造成了季节的变化。)

2. The study of nutation helps us understand the earth's rotation better.(研究章动有助于我们更好地了解地球的自转。)

3. The astronomers observed the nutation of the moon's orbit.(天文学家观测了月球轨道的旋转震动。)

4. The nutation period of the earth is about 18.6 years.(地球的章动周期约为18.xx年。)

5. The nutation angle can be calculated using complex mathematical formulas.(章动角度可以通过复杂的数学公式计算。)

6. Nutation is caused by the gravitational forces of the sun and moon on the earth.(章动是由太阳和月亮对地球的引力造成的。)

7. The nutation of the earth's axis affects the measurement of celestial coordinates.(地球轴的章动影响了天球坐标的测量。)

8. Some planets also have nutation phenomena, but they are not as significant as the earth's.(有些行星也存在章动现象,但它们没有地球的显著。)

9. Nutation is an important factor in determining the stability of the earth's rotation.(章动是决定地球自转稳定性的重要因素。)

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