1. 广汉是一座充满历史文化的城市。
Guanghan is a city full of historical and cultural resources.
2. 到广汉旅游,可以感受到蜀国文化的独特魅力。
Traveling to Guanghan, you can feel the unique charm of the Shu culture.
3. 广汉刘备祠是中国四大名人祠之一。
The Liu Bei Temple in Guanghan is one of the four famous temples of celebrities in China.
4. 广汉千佛洞是中国最大的佛教石窟之一。
The Qianfo Cave in Guanghan is one of the largest Buddhist grottoes in China.
5. 广汉的智水禅寺建于唐代,是中国佛教历史文化遗产之一。
Zhishui Temple in Guanghan was built in the Tang Dynasty and is one of the cultural heritage of Chinese Buddhism.
6. 广汉生态环境优美,是成都市重要的天然氧吧。
Guanghan has a beautiful ecological environment and is an important natural oxygen bar in Chengdu.
7. 广汉的特色小吃有手工烤面筋、广汉白切肉等。
Guanghan's specialties include handmade roasted gluten and Guanghan-style white-cut pork.
8. 广汉市的经济建设发展迅速,是成都市的重要城市之一。
The rapid development of Guanghan's economic construction makes it one of the important cities in Chengdu.
9. 广汉拥有优越的地理位置和交通条件,是投资兴业的优质地区之一。
Guanghan has excellent geographical location and transportation conditions, and is one of the high-quality regions for investment and development.