1. Isotype可以帮助人们更直观地了解数据和信息。
(Isotype can help people understand data and information in a more intuitive way.)
2. 这家公司的产品使用了isotype图标,让用户更容易识别和使用。
(This company's products feature isotype icons, making them more recognizable and user-friendly.)
3. 为了让报告更具可读性,我们使用了isotype图表来展示数据。
(To make the report more readable, we used isotype charts to present the data.)
4. 这个教育网站使用了isotype图像来帮助学生更好地理解课程内容。
(This educational website uses isotype graphics to help students better understand the course materials.)
5. 研究表明,使用isotype图标比使用文字更容易吸引用户的注意力。
(Studies have shown that using isotype icons is more effective in grabbing users' attention than using text.)
6. 这本杂志的封面设计采用了简单的isotype元素,但却引人注目。
(The cover design of this magazine incorporates simple isotype elements that nevertheless catch the eye.)
7. isotype图形有助于让信息更加清晰、易于理解。
(Isotype graphics make information clearer and easier to understand.)
8. 这个品牌的logo使用了isotype元素,让它更加独特、有辨识度。
(The logo of this brand features isotype elements, making it more distinctive and recognizable.)
9. isotype表达方式的优点之一是可以跨越不同国家和语言的界限。
(One of the advantages of isotype communication is that it can transcend boundaries of countries and languages.)