1. 'Bambara'是一种西非国家马里主要地区使用的语言。
Translation: 'Bambara' is a language mainly used in the Mali region of West Africa.
2. 该词语可以指代使用这种语言的人群。
Translation: This term can refer to the population that uses this language.
3. 'Bambara'的意思是“谈话者”或“人类”。
Translation: The meaning of 'Bambara' is "speaker" or "humanity".
4. 这个词语也可以指代一个马里的民族,他们的主要语言就是'Bambara'。
Translation: This term can also refer to an ethnic group in Mali whose primary language is 'Bambara'.
5. 我想在学校里学'Bambara'语,以了解更多关于马里的文化。
Translation: I want to learn Bambara in school to learn more about the culture of Mali.
6. 她的家人都是'Bambara'族人,她从小就学会了说这个语言。
Translation: Her family are all Bambara people, and she learned to speak the language from a young age.
7. 在马里旅行时,会使用'Bambara'语会让你更容易与当地人交流。
Translation: When traveling in Mali, speaking Bambara will make it easier for you to communicate with the locals.
8. 有时候'Bambara'语的方言在不同的地区会有所不同。
Translation: Sometimes the dialects of Bambara can differ in different regions.
9. 虽然马里有许多种语言,但'Bambara'语在该国内广泛使用。
Translation: Although there are many languages in Mali, Bambara is widely used within the country.