1. 'Diapriidae'是拉丁语,指一种昆虫科,也称为大肚小蜂科。
2. 常见翻译有大肚小蜂科、小快蜂科等。
3. Diapriidae是一种寄生小蜂科,主要以寄生其他昆虫为生,包括一些害虫和寄生虫。
4. 在古老的Diapriidae科中,有些物种已经灭绝了。
5. Diapriidae科中的一些物种具有很强的控制虫害的能力,因此被广泛应用于农业生产中。
6. 这种小蜂科是昆虫学家进行研究的重要对象之一。
7. Diapriidae科的种类繁多,包括数千个不同的物种。
8. Diapriidae科在昆虫食物链中扮演着重要的角色,既是害虫的天敌,也是其他小昆虫的食物来源。
9. 随着生态环境恶化和人类活动的不断扰动,Diapriidae科的物种数量正在逐渐减少。
1. The Diapriidae family is a group of parasitic wasps that can control a variety of agricultural pests.(Diapriidae科是一种能够控制不同农业害虫的寄生蜂科。)
2. Diapriidae wasps are tiny but powerful predators that can effectively control the spread of pest insects.(Diapriidae蜂虽小,但是能够有效地控制害虫的传播。)
3. Scientists are studying the life cycle and behavior of Diapriidae wasps in order to develop better pest control methods.(科学家正在研究Diapriidae蜂的生命周期和行为,以便开发更好的害虫控制方法。)
4. The larvae of Diapriidae wasps feed on the larvae of other insects, which helps to decrease the population of harmful pests.(Diapriidae蜂的幼虫以其他昆虫的幼虫为食,有助于减少有害害虫的数量。)
5. Farmers are using Diapriidae wasps as a natural alternative to chemical pest control methods.(农民正在利用Diapriidae蜂作为天然替代化学防治害虫方法。)
6. Diapriidae wasps are found in nearly every corner of the world, from tropical rainforests to arctic tundras.(Diapriidae蜂分布在世界各地,从热带雨林到北极冻原均可见其踪影。)
7. The number of Diapriidae species is estimated to be at least 6,000, although many more may exist that have not been discovered.(据估计,Diapriidae蜂的物种数量至少为6,000种,然而,可能还有更多的物种尚未被发现。)
8. Diapriidae wasps play a critical role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by keeping populations of harmful insects in check.(Diapriidae蜂通过控制有害昆虫的数量,发挥着维持生态系统平衡的重要作用。)
9. The natural enemies of Diapriidae wasps include other parasitic wasps, birds, and spiders.(Diapriidae蜂的天敌包括其他寄生蜂、鸟类和蜘蛛。)