'Great Falls'是英语词语,中文翻译为“大瀑布”。它通常用来描述水量大且降落较高的瀑布,也可以指特定的瀑布景点。
1. The Great Falls of Niagara is a popular tourist attraction in North America.(尼亚加拉大瀑布是北美著名的旅游景点。)
2. Montana's Great Falls is located on the Missouri River.(蒙大拿的大瀑布位于密苏里河上。)
3. Many photographers come to capture the beauty of the Great Falls in Yellowstone National Park.(许多摄影师来捕捉黄石国家公园内大瀑布的美丽。)
4. The Great Falls in Virginia provides a stunning view of the Potomac River.(弗吉尼亚的大瀑布提供了波托马克河的惊人景观。)
5. The Great Falls in Zimbabwe is one of the largest waterfalls in the world.(津巴布韦的大瀑布是世界上最大的瀑布之一。)
6. Visitors to the Great Falls of the Passaic River can enjoy hiking and bird-watching.(前往帕塞克河大瀑布的游客可以享受徒步旅行和观鸟活动。)
7. The Great Falls in Idaho is a popular spot for kayaking and rafting.(爱达荷的大瀑布是皮划艇和漂流活动的热门地点。)
8. The Great Falls in Tiverton, Rhode Island, is a hidden gem.(罗德岛提弗顿的大瀑布是一个隐藏的宝石。)
9. Niagara Falls is known as the “Great Falls” by Americans.(尼亚加拉瀑布在美国被称为“大瀑布”。)