'OBO'不是某个国家的语言,它是英文中的缩写,全称为"or best offer",翻译为"或最佳报价"。在商业交易中,常用于表示出售价格可以接受议价,卖方会考虑买方给出的最佳报价。
1. The car is listed for $10,000 OBO. (这辆车标价为$10,000,可以议价。)
2. I'm willing to sell this item for $50 OBO. (我愿意以$50 OBO的价格卖出这个物品。)
3. The seller wants $500 OBO for the laptop. (卖家希望以$500 OBO的价格卖出笔记本电脑。)
4. They are selling the couch for $200 OBO. (他们以$200 OBO的价格出售这张沙发。)
5. The seller is asking $1000 OBO for the antique vase. (卖家出售这个古董花瓶,标价为$1000 OBO。)
6. The price is $400 OBO. (价格为$400 OBO,可以接受议价。)
7. I'm open to offers, so I'll list it for $150 OBO. (我愿意听取报价,因此我以$150 OBO的价格列出了这个物品。)
8. The seller is hoping to get $300 OBO for the bike. (卖家希望以$300 OBO的价格卖出这辆自行车。)
9. I'm willing to consider all offers, so I'm listing it at $500 OBO. (我愿意考虑所有报价,因此我以$500 OBO的价格列出了这个物品。)