1. Bombyliidae是一种翅膀毛茸茸的昆虫,常见于花朵周围。
(中文翻译:Bombyliidae is a type of furry-winged insect commonly found around flowers.)
2. 在学习昆虫分类学时,我们需要学习燕尾蝇科的基本特征。
(中文翻译:When studying entomology, we need to learn the basic characteristics of Bombyliidae.)
3. 燕尾蝇科的幼虫通常在土壤中孵化和生长。
(中文翻译:The larvae of Bombyliidae typically hatch and grow in the soil.)
4. 燕尾蝇科昆虫的触角非常灵敏,可以帮助它们定位食物。
(中文翻译:The antennae of Bombyliidae insects are very sensitive and help them locate food.)
5. 燕尾蝇科是蚜虫天敌之一,对于蚜虫的控制具有重要作用。
(中文翻译:Bombyliidae is one of the natural enemies of aphids and plays an important role in their control.)
6. 燕尾蝇科在花朵授粉中发挥着重要的作用,帮助维持生态平衡。
(中文翻译:Bombyliidae plays an important role in pollinating flowers and helps maintain ecological balance.)
7. 燕尾蝇科昆虫的外形和行为特征与其他昆虫不同,很容易辨认。
(中文翻译:The appearance and behavioral characteristics of Bombyliidae insects are distinct from other insects and easy to recognize.)
8. 燕尾蝇科昆虫的羽翼柔软而灵活,使其能够很好地适应各种环境。
(中文翻译:The soft and flexible wings of Bombyliidae insects allow them to adapt well to various environments.)
9. 燕尾蝇科在农业生产中具有重要的生态价值,应该得到充分关注。
(中文翻译:Bombyliidae has important ecological value in agricultural production and should receive sufficient attention.)