1. The 'atq' command displays a list of all scheduled tasks.
2. You can use 'atq' to check if your job is scheduled or not.
3. I scheduled a backup job to run at 3am using the 'atq' command.
4. The 'atq' command can be very useful for automating repetitive tasks.
5. If you have many tasks scheduled with 'at', it can be helpful to use 'atq' to organize them.
6. The output of 'atq' displays the job ID, date and time of execution, and the user who scheduled the job.
7. You can use 'atrm' to remove tasks from the queue displayed by 'atq'.
8. The 'atq' command does not display tasks that have already been executed.
9. I always check 'atq' before scheduling new tasks to avoid conflicts.