narrowboat是什么意思 narrowboat的读音、翻译、用法

narrowboat是什么意思 narrowboat的读音、翻译、用法




1. I prefer traveling by narrowboat because it's a relaxing way to explore the canals. (我喜欢乘坐窄船旅行,因为这是一种放松的探索运河的方式。)

2. We have converted our narrowboat into a cozy floating home. (我们把我们的窄船改装成了一个舒适的漂浮家。)

3. Narrowboats are an important part of Britain's industrial heritage. (窄船是英国工业遗产的重要组成部分。)

4. This narrowboat is so narrow that it can only accommodate two people. (这条窄船非常狭窄,只能容纳两个人。)

5. We had a lovely time exploring the canals on our narrowboat. (我们乘坐窄船在运河上探索时度过了美好的时光。)

6. The narrowboat is now a popular choice for people who want to live a simpler life. (窄船现在是想要过简单生活的人们的流行选择。)

7. It was a challenge navigating our narrowboat through the locks, but we managed it. (在船闸中驾驶窄船是一项挑战,但我们成功了。)

8. Some people hire narrowboats for a weekend getaway. (有些人租用窄船度过周末假期。)

9. The narrowboat community is a tight-knit group of people who share a love of the waterways. (窄船社区是一个密切联系的人群,他们分享水路的爱好。)

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