PnP-X是什么意思 PnP-X的读音、翻译、用法

PnP-X是什么意思 PnP-X的读音、翻译、用法

PnP-X来源于英语。PnP-X是Plug and Play Extensions的简称,中文翻译为即插即用扩展。它是一个微软开发的框架,旨在为多个设备平台之间的即插即用设备创建一个统一的体系结构。PnP-X提供了自动发现和配置设备的能力,使得设备可以自动与其他设备或应用程序进行交互。以下是9个含有PnP-X的例句:

1. Windows 10 includes PnP-X, a platform that streamlines device discovery and configuration.

(Windows 10包括PnP-X平台,它简化了设备发现和配置。)

2. PnP-X simplifies the process of adding new devices to your home network.


3. The PnP-X API enables developers to create applications that can discover and interact with PnP-X devices.

(PnP-X API使开发人员能够创建可以发现和与PnP-X设备交互的应用程序。)

4. PnP-X makes it easy to connect a printer to your computer without the need for additional drivers.


5. PnP-X devices can be configured automatically by the operating system, reducing the need for manual configuration.


6. The PnP-X framework allows devices to announce their capabilities to other devices on the network.


7. With PnP-X, devices can be added to a network without the need for specialized software or hardware drivers.


8. The PnP-X discovery protocol allows devices to be automatically discovered and added to the network without user intervention.


9. PnP-X simplifies the process of creating custom device drivers by providing a standard interface for device discovery and configuration.


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