'Thor' 不是一个国家的语言,而是一个名字,来自于北欧神话中的雷神,也被称为“北欧之神”或者“雷神索尔”。在现代文化中,该名字常常被用于电影、漫画、游戏等娱乐作品中。
1. Thor is the god of thunder in Norse mythology.(Thor是北欧神话中的雷神。)
2. The hammer of Thor is called Mjolnir.(Thor的锤子被称为 Mjolnir。)
3. Chris Hemsworth portrayed Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯扮演了漫威电影宇宙中的Thor。)
4. Thor has the power to control lightning and thunder.(Thor拥有控制闪电和雷声的能力。)
5. In Norse mythology, Thor rides on a chariot pulled by two goats.(在北欧神话中,Thor乘坐由两只山羊拉动的马车。)
6. Thor's father is Odin, the Allfather.(Thor的父亲是奥丁,全能之神。)
7. In the comic book, Thor is a member of the Avengers.(在漫画中,Thor是复仇者联盟的成员之一。)
8. Thor's archenemy is his adopted brother Loki.(Thor的宿敌是他的养子弟弟洛基。)
9. The upcoming Thor movie is titled "Love and Thunder".(即将上映的Thor电影名为“爱与雷霆”。)