1. 'taxon'是英语中的词语,翻译为“分类单元”或“分类群”,指的是生物分类学中的一个分类单位,如物种、属、科、门等。
2. 示例:
- This plant belongs to the taxon of angiosperms.(这种植物属于被子植物分类单元。)
- The taxon of amphibians includes frogs, toads, and salamanders.(两栖动物分类群包括青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈。)
- The taxonomic classification of birds is a complex system with numerous taxons.(鸟类的分类学分类是一个复杂的系统,有许多分类单元。)
- The taxon of mammals is characterized by having fur or hair and producing milk for their young.(哺乳动物分类群的特征是有毛发、产生乳汁喂养幼崽。)
- Biologists use various taxons to categorize and study different types of organisms.(生物学家使用各种分类单元来分类和研究不同类型的生物。)
- The taxon of insects is the most diverse and successful group of animals on Earth.(昆虫分类群是地球上最丰富、最成功的动物群体。)
- Taxonomists are responsible for identifying and naming new taxons based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.(分类学家负责根据分类单元的特征和进化关系识别和命名新的分类群。)
- The taxon of reptiles includes snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles.(爬行动物分类群包括蛇、蜥蜴、龟和鳄鱼。)
- The classification of plants into taxons is based on their morphology, anatomy, and genetic makeup.(将植物归类为不同的分类群是基于它们的形态学、解剖学和基因组成的。)