imputation是什么意思 imputation的读音、翻译、用法

imputation是什么意思 imputation的读音、翻译、用法



1. The imputation of the crime was made to the wrong person.(罪行被归咎到了错误的人身上。)

2. The imputation of success is often shared among many people.(成功的归功通常要分给许多人。)

3. He denied the imputation against his character.(他否认对他的品格的指责。)

4. The imputation of positive traits to one's own culture is a common phenomenon.(将积极的特点归因于自己的文化是一种常见的现象。)

5. The imputation of blame on a minority group is unjustified.(将责任归咎于少数族群是不合理的。)

6. The imputation of motive to the defendant was based on circumstantial evidence.(对被告的动机进行归因是基于间接证据。)

7. The imputation of guilt to the accused was decided by the jury.(陪审团决定将罪名归咎于被告。)

8. The imputation of success to hard work is a common belief.(将成功归因于努力是一种普遍的信念。)

9. The imputation of ownership of the land is a contentious issue between the two parties.(对土地所有权的归属是两个当事方之间的争议点。)

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