helleborus是什么意思 helleborus的读音、翻译、用法

helleborus是什么意思 helleborus的读音、翻译、用法




1. Helleborus flowers are known for their ability to bloom even in the dark winter months.(Helleborus的花因其在黑暗的冬季也能开花而著名。)

2. Helleborus plants thrive in shady areas and prefer a moist soil.(Helleborus植物在阴暗的环境中生长得很好,偏爱湿润的土壤。)

3. The roots of the Helleborus plant contain powerful toxins and should not be ingested.(Helleborus植物的根部含有强大的毒素,不应食用。)

4. Gardeners often use Helleborus as a decorative plant in their gardens.(园艺爱好者通常将Helleborus作为他们花园中的装饰植物。)

5. Helleborus plants come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, and purple.(Helleborus植物有多种颜色,包括白色、粉色和紫色。)

6. The Helleborus flower is known for its ability to withstand harsh winter conditions.(Helleborus花因其耐受严寒的能力而著名。)

7. Be sure to wear gloves when handling Helleborus plants, as some people may have an allergic reaction.(处理Helleborus植物时一定要戴手套,因为有些人可能会有过敏反应。)

8. In ancient times, Helleborus was used as a medicinal herb for a variety of ailments.(在古代,Helleborus被用作治疗各种疾病的药草。)

9. Helleborus plants require very little maintenance and are perfect for busy gardeners.(Helleborus植物需要很少的维护,非常适合忙碌的园艺爱好者。)

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