affiliation是什么意思 affiliation的读音、翻译、用法

affiliation是什么意思 affiliation的读音、翻译、用法



1. His affiliation with the company was terminated last year.(他与公司的隶属关系已在去年终止。)

2. The university has an affiliation with several research institutions.(这所大学与数个研究机构有隶属关系。)

3. The company is a subsidiary of a larger corporation and has an affiliation with other subsidiaries.(这家公司是一个大型公司的子公司,与其他子公司有隶属关系。)

4. She has no affiliation with any political party.(她没有与任何政党的隶属关系。)

5. The artist has an affiliation with a local gallery.(这位艺术家与一家当地画廊有隶属关系。)

6. The union has an affiliation with several other labor organizations.(这个工会与数个其他劳工组织有隶属关系。)

7. The university has an affiliation with a hospital for medical research.(这所大学与一家医院有隶属关系,用于医学研究。)

8. The company's affiliation with a popular brand has boosted its sales.(这家公司与一家知名品牌的隶属关系已提升了其销售额。)

9. The museum has an affiliation with a national art collection.(这家博物馆与一家国家艺术收藏有隶属关系。)

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