1. 'Bootleg'是美国的词语,意思是非法制造或销售的商品(通常指音乐、电影、衣服等)
2. 该词语最初指非法制造或销售的酒,而现在已扩展到其他领域。
3. 例句:
- He was arrested for selling bootleg DVDs.(他因售卖盗版DVD而被逮捕)
- The concert was ruined by bootleg t-shirt vendors.(音乐会被非法摊贩销售的T恤破坏了)
- The bootleg copy of the movie had terrible quality.(盗版的电影副本质量很糟糕)
- The bootleg designer handbags were confiscated at the airport.(走私的设计师手提包被没收在机场)
- The bootleg alcohol made many people sick.(冒牌酒饮用后让很多人生病了)
- She bought a bootlegged copy of the book online.(她在网上买了一本盗版的书副本)
- The police raided the bootleg CD factory.(警察突袭了盗版CD的工厂)
- Bootleg merchandise is often sold at flea markets.(非法商品经常在跳蚤市场上出售)
- The theater staff caught someone trying to record the movie on a bootleg camera.(影院工作人员逮到了有人试图用非法照相机录制电影)