1. Monarda didyma is a species of flowering plant in the mint family.(紫花山蜡菊是唇形科的一种开花植物。)
2. The leaves of Monarda citriodora can be used to make tea.(柠檬香山蜡菊的叶子可以用来泡茶。)
3. Monarda bradburiana is native to the eastern United States.(布拉德伯里山蜡菊是美国东部的本土植物。)
4. Monarda fistulosa has medicinal properties and is used to treat digestive and respiratory issues.(管状山蜡菊具有药用价值,可用于治疗消化和呼吸问题。)
5. Monarda punctata is commonly known as spotted beebalm.(点状山蜡菊通常被称为斑点蜜蜂蜜草。)
6. The flowers of Monarda didyma attract hummingbirds and butterflies.(紫花山蜡菊的花可以吸引蜂鸟和蝴蝶。)
7. Monarda fistulosa is also known as wild bergamot.(管状山蜡菊也被称为野生佛手柑。)
8. The aromatic leaves of Monarda didyma are often used in potpourri.(紫花山蜡菊的芳香叶常用于制作干燥花卉。)
9. Monarda didyma was used by Native Americans for medicinal purposes.(美洲原住民使用紫花山蜡菊作为药用植物。)