'Walter Cunningham'是一个英文词语,可以翻译为“沃尔特·坎宁安”。
以下是9个含有'Walter Cunningham'的例句:
1. Walter Cunningham did not have a lunch to bring to school.
2. Scout invites Walter Cunningham over for lunch.
3. Atticus defends Walter Cunningham Sr. in court.
4. Walter Cunningham Jr. refuses to take money from the Finch family.
5. Scout teaches Walter Cunningham how to write his name.
6. Walter Cunningham is part of the mob that comes to lynch Tom Robinson.
7. Scout defends Walter Cunningham when he is teased by the other children.
8. Walter Cunningham earns Scout's respect by refusing to take the school lunch loan.
9. Atticus reminds Scout that Walter Cunningham is a victim of circumstance.