1. The recommended dosage of mercaptodimethur is 0.3-0.5 kg per hectare.(甲硫磷的推荐剂量为每公顷0.3-0.5公斤。)
2. Mercaptodimethur is highly effective against aphids on vegetables.(甲硫磷对蔬菜上的蚜虫非常有效。)
3. Farmers are advised to wear protective clothing when handling mercaptodimethur.(农民在处理甲硫磷时应穿戴防护服。)
4. The use of mercaptodimethur is strictly regulated in many countries due to its potential health hazards.(由于甲硫磷潜在的健康危害,许多国家严格管制其使用。)
5. Mercaptodimethur can be applied either by spraying or as a granular formulation.(甲硫磷可以通过喷洒或颗粒配方施用。)
6. Some insects have developed resistance to mercaptodimethur, which has led to the development of alternative pesticides.(一些昆虫已经对甲硫磷产生了抗性,这促使了替代杀虫剂的发展。)
7. Mercaptodimethur is not recommended for use in areas where groundwater is vulnerable to contamination.(不建议在地下水易受污染的地区使用甲硫磷。)
8. The use of mercaptodimethur should be avoided during flowering periods to avoid harming pollinators.(为避免危害传粉者,应避免在开花期间使用甲硫磷。)
9. Mercaptodimethur should be stored in a cool, dry place away from children and animals.(甲硫磷应该存放在远离儿童和动物的阴凉干燥的地方。)