1. "stele"是英语词汇,中文意思为“石碑”,是一种刻有文字或图像的石头制品。在英语中,"stele"也被用来指代古代文化和历史的遗迹。
2. 以下是九个含有"stele"的例句:
- The stele in the museum displays the ancient writing of this lost civilization. (博物馆里的石碑展示了这个失落文明的古文字。)
- The steles at the entrance of the temple were carved with the stories of the gods. (寺庙入口处的石碑上刻有关于神灵的故事。)
- The king ordered to place a stele to commemorate the victory of his army. (国王下令立一座石碑以纪念他军队的胜利。)
- The steles in this cemetery mark the resting places of the deceased. (这个墓地里的石碑标记了逝者的安息之处。)
- The stele's inscription revealed the mysteries of the ancient civilization. (石碑上的铭文揭示了古代文明的奥秘。)
- The archeologists discovered a stele with a never-before-seen language. (考古学家发现了一块刻有前所未见语言的石碑。)
- The stele was damaged during the war and its inscriptions were almost erased. (石碑在战争中被损坏,上面的铭文几乎被擦掉了。)
- The stele's carvings depicted scenes from a legendary battle. (石碑上的雕刻描绘了一场传奇之战的场景。)
- The stele was erected to honor the emperor's achievements. (这座石碑竖立以表彰皇帝的功绩。)