'Atomaria linearis'不是任何国家的语言,而是一种昆虫的学名。这是一种小型的甲虫,常见于欧洲、亚洲和北美洲的森林中,主要以腐木为食。它的常见翻译是“线形原子甲虫”,常被用于学术研究和生物分类学。
以下是9个含有'Atomaria linearis'的例句:
1. Atomaria linearis has a slender body and pale brown color.('Atomaria linearis'体型纤细,颜色淡棕色。)
2. The larvae of 'Atomaria linearis' feed on fungi and other organic matter.('Atomaria linearis'的幼虫以真菌和其他有机物为食。)
3. Several specimens of 'Atomaria linearis' were collected in the forest.(在森林中采集了几个'Atomaria linearis'的标本。)
4. The taxonomic position of 'Atomaria linearis' is still under debate.('Atomaria linearis'的分类学位置仍有争议。)
5. The wings of 'Atomaria linearis' are short and not functional for flying.('Atomaria linearis'的翅膀短小,不能用于飞行。)
6. The habitat preference of 'Atomaria linearis' is closely related to the moisture level of forests.('Atomaria linearis'的栖息偏好与森林的湿度密切相关。)
7. Some species of Atomaria, including 'Atomaria linearis', are important decomposers in forest ecosystems.(Atomaria属的一些物种,包括'Atomaria linearis',是森林生态系统中重要的分解者。)
8. The behavior of 'Atomaria linearis' is poorly understood due to its cryptic lifestyle.(由于'Atomaria linearis'的隐蔽生活方式,其行为了解不足。)
9. A new morphological character of the male genitalia was discovered in 'Atomaria linearis'.('Atomaria linearis'的雄性生殖器官发现了一个新的形态特征。)