Henry Moore是什么意思 Henry Moore的读音、翻译、用法

Henry Moore是什么意思 Henry Moore的读音、翻译、用法

'Henry Moore'是英语,翻译成中文为亨利·摩尔。该词语是指英国雕塑家亨利·摩尔,他是20世纪最具影响力的雕塑家之一,以其抽象化的人形雕塑著称。

以下是含有'Henry Moore'的9个例句:

1. Henry Moore is known for his abstract sculptures.(亨利·摩尔以其抽象的雕塑而闻名。)

2. The Henry Moore Foundation is dedicated to preserving and promoting the work of the artist.(亨利·摩尔基金会致力于保存和推广该艺术家的作品。)

3. The Henry Moore Institute in Leeds is a leading centre for the study of sculpture.(利兹的亨利·摩尔研究中心是雕塑研究的领先中心。)

4. Many of Henry Moore's sculptures are on display in public spaces around the world.(许多亨利·摩尔的雕塑在世界各地的公共场所展示。)

5. Henry Moore was influenced by the work of Mexican muralists such as Diego Rivera.(亨利·摩尔受墨西哥壁画家迭戈·里维拉等人的作品影响。)

6. The Henry Moore Studio in Hertfordshire is where the artist lived and worked for many years.(亨利·摩尔在赫特福德郡的工作室是他居住和工作了许多年的地方。)

7. The Henry Moore sculpture in front of the UN Headquarters in New York is a symbol of peace.(纽约联合国总部前的亨利·摩尔雕塑是和平的象征。)

8. The Henry Moore Gallery at Tate Britain features a large collection of the artist's works.(泰特不列颠的亨利·摩尔画廊展示了该艺术家的大量作品。)

9. Henry Moore's sculpture “Reclining Figure” has become an iconic artwork.(亨利·摩尔的雕塑《躺着的人》已成为标志性的艺术品。)

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