'concurrent' 这个词语来源于拉丁语“concurrere”,意为“一起跑”。它指的是一个事件或行为与另一个事件或行为同时发生的状态。
1. 他们在同一时间到达了机场。- They arrived at the airport concurrently.
2. 这两个项目的开发工作是同时进行的。- The development of these two projects is concurrent.
3. 我们需要同时处理两个任务。- We need to handle two tasks concurrently.
4. 这两个会议恰巧同时举行。-The two conferences happened to be concurrent.
5. 他们在同一时间提交了申请。- They submitted their applications concurrently.
6. 这个系统可以同时处理多个任务。- This system can handle multiple tasks concurrently.
7. 这两个新闻事件是同时发生的。- These two news events were concurrent.
8. 这两个项目的完成期限相同。- The completion deadlines of these two projects are concurrent.
9. 他们在同一时间完成了比赛。- They completed the race concurrently.