Zaha Hadid 是一个英国建筑师和设计师,她是第一个获得普利兹克建筑奖的女性建筑师。Zaha Hadid的设计风格被描述为超现代主义,她的建筑作品大胆、复杂,常常具有流线形的曲线和自由几何形状。
1. Zaha Hadid在建筑界享有很高的声望和知名度。(中文翻译:Zaha Hadid is highly respected and well-known in the architecture industry.)
2. 今年的建筑设计大赛中,有很多参赛者受到了Zaha Hadid的设计风格的启发。(中文翻译:Many contestants in this year's architectural design competition were inspired by Zaha Hadid's design style.)
3. Zaha Hadid的作品常常被认为是超现代主义的代表之一。(中文翻译:Zaha Hadid's works are often regarded as one of the representatives of the postmodernist movement.)
4. 他的建筑设计被誉为Zaha Hadid式的建筑。(中文翻译:His architectural designs are known as "Zaha Hadid style" architecture.)
5. Zaha Hadid的创意和设计理念为现代建筑设计带来了很多新的思路。(中文翻译:Zaha Hadid's creativity and design philosophy have brought many new ideas to modern architecture.)
6. Zaha Hadid的建筑作品充满了动态和流动性的元素。(中文翻译:Zaha Hadid's architectural works are full of dynamic and flowing elements.)
7. 对于建筑师而言,学习Zaha Hadid的设计风格和理念是非常有益的。(中文翻译:Learning Zaha Hadid's design style and philosophy is very beneficial for architects.)
8. 这座经典的建筑是由Zaha Hadid设计的。(中文翻译:This classic building was designed by Zaha Hadid.)
9. Zaha Hadid的建筑作品常常被用作城市景观的标志性建筑。(中文翻译:Zaha Hadid's architectural works are often used as iconic buildings in the urban landscape.)