Quetzalcoatlus是什么意思 Quetzalcoatlus的读音、翻译、用法

Quetzalcoatlus是什么意思 Quetzalcoatlus的读音、翻译、用法




1. Quetzalcoatlus是一种令人惊叹的翼龙,因其庞大的翼展而著名。

Quetzalcoatlus is an amazing pterosaur, famous for its huge wingspan.

2. Quetzalcoatlus的巨大体型使它成为了霸主,没有任何其它翼龙可以比它更加强大。

The enormous size of Quetzalcoatlus made it a ruler, with no other pterosaur more powerful than it.

3. Quetzalcoatlus的巨大翼展使其可以在空中飞行数百公里而不用休息。

The enormous wingspan of Quetzalcoatlus allowed it to fly for hundreds of kilometers without resting.

4. Quetzalcoatlus是一种非常罕见的翼龙,只有很少的骨骼化石被发现。

Quetzalcoatlus is a very rare pterosaur, with only a few fossilized bones being discovered.

5. Quetzalcoatlus属于翼手龙科,是现存鸟类的近亲。

Quetzalcoatlus is a member of the Pterosauria family and is closely related to birds.

6. Quetzalcoatlus是一个非常有趣的话题,尤其是对于那些对史前生物感兴趣的人。

Quetzalcoatlus is a very interesting topic, especially for those interested in prehistoric creatures.

7. Quetzalcoatlus是一种翼龙,生活在晚白垩纪时期,已经灭绝了数百万年。

Quetzalcoatlus was a pterosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period and has been extinct for millions of years.

8. Quetzalcoatlus的骨骼化石被发现在墨西哥和美国的德克萨斯州。

Fossilized bones of Quetzalcoatlus have been found in Mexico and the state of Texas in the United States.

9. Quetzalcoatlus是一种非常神秘的翼龙,因为我们对它的生活习性了解得很少。

Quetzalcoatlus is a very mysterious pterosaur, as we know very little about its lifestyle.

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