'Mustela nigripes'这个词语来源于拉丁语,在英文中常被称为Black-footed Ferret(黑足鼬),是一种生活在北美洲草原地区的小型猫科动物。它们是世界上最濒危的哺乳动物之一。
以下是9个含有'Mustela nigripes'的例句:
1. Mustela nigripes是美国草原上最有名的非常敏感的食肉动物,现在面临着灭绝的风险。
(英文:The Black-footed Ferret is the most famous and highly sensitive carnivore of the American prairie, and now it's at risk of extinction.)
2. 这个地区的野生动物包括野马、黑足鼬(Mustela nigripes)和美洲虎。
(英文:The wildlife in the area includes wild horses, Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes), and cougars.)
3. 这个小镇附近有一个野生动物保护中心,主要致力于保护濒危的黑足鼬(Mustela nigripes)。
(英文:There is a wildlife conservation center near the town that is mainly dedicated to protecting the endangered Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes).)
4. Mustela nigripes通常在晚上活动,并以小型哺乳动物为食。
(英文:Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) are usually nocturnal and feed on small mammals.)
5. 研究表明,减少农业活动可以有助于保护生活在这片草原上的濒危物种,如黑足鼬(Mustela nigripes)等。
(英文:Studies have shown that reducing agricultural activities can help protect endangered species that reside on this prairie, such as Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes).)
6. Mustela nigripes在野外繁殖困难,因此专家们进行了许多努力来提高它们的繁殖率。
(英文:Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) have difficulty breeding in the wild, so experts have made many efforts to increase their breeding rate.)
7. 目前,保护黑足鼬(Mustela nigripes)的主要方法包括栖息地恢复和人工繁殖计划。
(英文:Currently, the main methods of protecting Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) include habitat restoration and artificial breeding programs.)
8. 每年,数百万游客来到这片草原,希望能够看到濒危的黑足鼬(Mustela nigripes)。
(英文:Every year, millions of tourists come to this prairie hoping to see the endangered Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes).)
9. 专家建议,应该制定更加有效的保护计划,使人们可以在未来看到黑足鼬(Mustela nigripes)这样稀有的物种。
(英文:Experts suggest that more effective conservation plans should be developed so that people can see rare species like Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) in the future.)