chlorpyrifos是什么意思 chlorpyrifos的读音、翻译、用法

chlorpyrifos是什么意思 chlorpyrifos的读音、翻译、用法



1. Chlorpyrifos is a commonly used pesticide in agriculture. (氯氰菊酯是农业中常用的杀虫剂。)

2. The effects of chlorpyrifos on human health are still being studied. (氯氰菊酯对人体健康的影响还在研究中。)

3. The government has restricted the use of chlorpyrifos in certain areas. (政府已经限制在某些地区使用氯氰菊酯。)

4. Farmers are encouraged to use alternative pest control methods instead of relying solely on chlorpyrifos. (农民被鼓励使用替代的害虫控制方法,而不是仅依靠氯氰菊酯。)

5. Chlorpyrifos has been banned in several European countries due to environmental concerns. (由于环境问题,氯氰菊酯已经在几个欧洲国家被禁用。)

6. The high levels of chlorpyrifos detected in the water supply have raised concerns among residents. (水源中检测到的高水平氯氰菊酯引起了居民的关注。)

7. The use of chlorpyrifos in residential areas has been banned by many local governments. (许多地方政府已经禁止在居民区使用氯氰菊酯。)

8. The long-term effects of exposure to chlorpyrifos are still not fully understood. (长期接触氯氰菊酯的影响还没有完全知晓。)

9. The use of chlorpyrifos should be carefully regulated to prevent harm to the environment and human health. (应该严格限制使用氯氰菊酯,以防止对环境和人体健康造成伤害。)

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