'Eucalyptus wandoo'是英语单词,中文翻译为“沙漠桉”。
Eucalyptus wandoo是一种澳大利亚本土的桉树,主要生长在西澳大利亚州。它是一种中等大小的树,通常高度在10到25米之间,树皮呈灰色,有着深裂纹。该树木的木材质地坚硬,具有较高的耐久性,因此广泛用于建筑结构、家具和箱子等制品。
以下是9个含有'Eucalyptus wandoo'的例句:
1. The bark of Eucalyptus wandoo is deeply furrowed and grey in color. (Eucalyptus wandoo的树皮深裂,呈灰色。)
2. Eucalyptus wandoo is a species of eucalyptus tree native to Western Australia. (沙漠桉是西澳大利亚州本土的一种桉树。)
3. The wood of Eucalyptus wandoo is highly valued for its durability and strength. (沙漠桉的木材因其耐久性和强度而备受青睐。)
4. Eucalyptus wandoo is often used in the construction of bridges and wharves. (沙漠桉常用于桥梁和码头的建造。)
5. The leaves of Eucalyptus wandoo are rich in tannins and are used for medicinal purposes. (沙漠桉的叶子富含单宁,可用于药用。)
6. Eucalyptus wandoo is an important source of nectar for honeybees in Western Australia. (沙漠桉是西澳大利亚州蜜蜂采蜜的重要来源。)
7. In the past, Eucalyptus wandoo was used by Aboriginal people in Western Australia to treat various illnesses. (过去,西澳大利亚土著人使用沙漠桉治疗各种疾病。)
8. The flowers of Eucalyptus wandoo are small and white, and bloom in the summer. (沙漠桉的花小而白,夏季开放。)
9. The oil extracted from the leaves of Eucalyptus wandoo is used in aromatherapy and as a natural insect repellent. (从沙漠桉的叶子中提取的精油可用于芳香疗法和作为自然驱虫剂。)