1. Me a vynn ober dhe fir ha dhu - I want to do it in black and white.(我想用黑白做。)
2. Yth esa dydh foll ha morvyn, ha nyns eus i agas ma cyst sos - It was a dark and stormy night, and your cat hasn't come for its food. (天色已经很晚,又特别风雨交加,你的猫都还没有来吃饭。)
3. Kernow ha Kernewek - Cornwall and Cornish(康沃尔和康沃尔语)
4. Mes a vyn pub den konya - I want everyone to know(我想让每个人都知道。)
5. Bewnans Ke - The Passion of Christ(基督受难记)
6. 'n-dha gollas ev'n screfys hag yn-d'hwedh dhe Jill, “Pyth yw effen moy ha kyff?” - He lost the pen and asked Jill, “What is the meaning of this word?”(他丢了笔,问Jill,“这个单词是什么意思?”)
7. Nynsa yw rok yth esa moy, mes y vydn ow kofys owth oll - Rock isn't what I listened to most, but I remember hearing it all.(我听的歌曲不是摇滚,但我记得听过所有的歌曲。)
8. Dhe les y'n fleghes - To your health(干杯)
9. Yma ov vydh - I am alive(我还活着)