Dalbergia melanoxylon是拉丁语,意为“黑心檀木”。它是一种常见的热带树种,也被称为印度黑檀木,它的木材被广泛用于制作高档乐器以及家具。此外,Dalbergia melanoxylon还具有一种非常受欢迎的芳香气味,因此在香料和精油的制造中也有一定的应用。下面是9个含有Dalbergia melanoxylon的例句:
1. The excellent quality of the musical instruments is due to the use of Dalbergia melanoxylon wood.(这些优质的乐器得益于使用Dalbergia melanoxylon木材)
2. The furniture made of Dalbergia melanoxylon is not only durable but also very elegant.(使用Dalbergia melanoxylon制作的家具不仅坚固耐用,而且非常优雅)
3. The aromatic compounds of Dalbergia melanoxylon are widely used in the production of perfumes and essential oils.(Dalbergia melanoxylon的芳香性化合物被广泛用于香水和精油的生产)
4. The government has imposed a ban on the commercial exploitation of Dalbergia melanoxylon to protect natural resources.(政府已经禁止商业开发Dalbergia melanoxylon以保护自然资源)
5. The density of Dalbergia melanoxylon wood is very high, making it difficult to work with.(Dalbergia melanoxylon木材的密度非常大,使得它很难加工)
6. The unique grain patterns of Dalbergia melanoxylon make it a popular choice for decorative purposes.(Dalbergia melanoxylon独特的木纹使其成为装饰用途的热门选择)
7. The high oil content of Dalbergia melanoxylon wood makes it resistant to decay and insect damage.(Dalbergia melanoxylon木材的高油含量使其具有耐腐蚀和耐虫害的特性)
8. The demand for Dalbergia melanoxylon wood in the international market has led to illegal logging and deforestation in some countries.(对Dalbergia melanoxylon木材的国际市场需求导致了一些国家进行非法砍伐和森林砍伐)
9. The use of Dalbergia melanoxylon in traditional medicine has a long history in some cultures.(在一些文化中,Dalbergia melanoxylon在传统医学中的使用历史悠久)