1. Prions can cause devastating diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle.(prion可以引起像是克雅茨菲尔德-雅各氏病这样致命的疾病,人类和牛只都可能得到。)
2. Scientists are researching ways to prevent and treat prion diseases.(科学家正在研究预防和治疗prion疾病的方法。)
3. Prions are able to convert normal proteins into their abnormal form, causing disease.(prion能够将正常蛋白质转变为异常形式,从而引起疾病。)
4. There is no cure for prion diseases, only management of symptoms.(prion疾病没有治愈的方法,只能管理症状。)
5. The prion protein is normally found on the surface of cells, but in its abnormal form it can cause disease.(prion蛋白质通常存在于细胞表面,但在异常形式下它会引起疾病。)
6. Prion diseases are often associated with the consumption of contaminated animal products.(prion疾病通常与食用受污染的动物产品有关。)
7. Prions are difficult to destroy, as they are not alive and cannot be killed by traditional means.(prion很难被摧毁,因为它们不是生物并且不能被传统的方法杀死。)
8. The transmission of prion diseases can occur through blood transfusions or surgical procedures.(prion疾病的传播可以通过输血或外科手术等途径发生。)
9. Prion diseases have a long incubation period, sometimes taking decades before symptoms appear.(prion疾病有很长的潜伏期,有时需要数xx年才会出现症状。)