Blatta orientalis是拉丁文,意为东方蟑螂。这是一种常见的害虫,被认为是传染病的潜在威胁。
用法:Blatta orientalis这个词语通常在昆虫学和病原学领域使用。
以下是9个含有Blatta orientalis的例句:
1. Blatta orientalis非常善于在人们的家庭中繁殖。
Blatta orientalis is very adept at breeding in people's homes.
2. 这个地区的居民经常遭受Blatta orientalis的侵扰。
Residents in this area are often plagued by Blatta orientalis.
3. 很多人认为Blatta orientalis是一种肮脏的昆虫,因为它们生活在垃圾堆中。
Many people consider Blatta orientalis to be a dirty insect because they live in piles of garbage.
4. Blatta orientalis的存在可以导致食品污染和传染病传播。
The presence of Blatta orientalis can lead to food contamination and the spread of diseases.
5. 这家酒店需要定期进行Blatta orientalis的灭蟑工作。
This hotel needs to have regular extermination of Blatta orientalis.
6. Blatta orientalis的成年个体可以长到3厘米。
Adult specimens of Blatta orientalis can grow up to 3 centimeters long.
7. Blatta orientalis在夜间更加活跃。
Blatta orientalis is more active at night.
8. 这个医院经常使用灭虫剂来控制Blatta orientalis的数量。
This hospital frequently uses insecticides to control the number of Blatta orientalis.
9. 接触Blatta orientalis的排泄物可能导致哮喘等过敏反应。
Exposure to excrement from Blatta orientalis may lead to allergic reactions such as asthma.