1. 'Expo'是英文单词,翻译为“世界博览会”,是指国际性的展览会。
2. 世博会是每个国家或地区向全世界展示自己文化、科技、经济等方面成就的机会。
3. 参观世界博览会是一种学习和了解不同国家文化的重要途径。
4. The Expo 2020 Dubai will showcase the latest advancements in technology and sustainable development.(迪拜世博会将展示最新的科技和可持续发展成果)
5. The Shanghai Expo attracted millions of visitors from around the world.(上海世博会吸引了来自世界各地的数百万游客)
6. Japan's participation in the Expo is aimed at promoting their culture and technology to the world.(日本参与世博会的目的是向世界推广自己的文化和技术)
7. The Expo pavilions were designed to reflect the unique characteristics of each participating country.(世博会展馆的设计反映了每个参展国家的独特特色)
8. The Expo offers a platform for countries to promote their trade and investment opportunities.(世博会为各国提供了推广贸易和投资机会的平台)
9. Attendance at the Expo can have a positive impact on a country's tourism industry.(参观世博会可以对一个国家的旅游业产生积极影响)