1. Scorpiones是蝎子目的一个大类别。(中文翻译:Scorpiones is a broad category within the order of scorpions.)
2. 蝎子的最初形态可以追溯到约4.25亿年前的Silurian时期,当时已经有了类似于现在的Scorpiones。(中文翻译:The earliest forms of scorpions can be traced back to the Silurian period, approximately 425 million years ago, with creatures resembling modern-day scorpions already present, known as Scorpiones.)
3. Scorpiones中最大的物种是非洲的帝王蝎。(中文翻译:The largest species in Scorpiones is the African emperor scorpion.)
4. Scorpiones在夜晚活动,而在白天常常躲在树枝、石头或洞里。(中文翻译:Scorpiones are nocturnal and during the day, they often hide in branches, rocks, or burrows.)
5. 在Scorpiones中,蝎子的尾巴是它们最致命的武器之一。(中文翻译:In Scorpiones, the tail of a scorpion is one of its most lethal weapons.)
6. Scorpiones的许多物种的毒素对人类有害,但也有一些物种的毒素可以被用来治疗某些疾病。(中文翻译:The venom of many species in Scorpiones is harmful to humans, but there are also some species whose venom can be used to treat certain diseases.)
7. 蝎子被分类为Scorpiones目,这个目还包括蝎尾蛇。(中文翻译:Scorpions are classified as part of the order Scorpiones, which also includes the whip scorpions.)
8. Scorpiones的特征之一是它们的长尾巴,尾巴上有一对有毒的鞭子。(中文翻译:One of the defining features of Scorpiones is their long tails with a pair of venomous stingers.)
9. Scorpiones的毒素可以对人类造成长期的神经疾病和贫血,因此人们应该小心避免被蝎子叮咬。(中文翻译:The venom of Scorpiones can cause long-term neurological disease and anemia in humans, so people should be careful to avoid being stung by scorpions.)