1. The putamen is one of the structures in the brain that is responsible for controlling movement.(putamen是大脑中控制运动的结构之一。)
2. One study found that damage to the putamen can lead to difficulties with learning and memory.(一项研究发现,putamen损伤可能导致学习和记忆障碍。)
3. The putamen is located deep within the brain, beneath the cortex. (putamen位于大脑深处,皮层下方。)
4. Scientists have found that the putamen is involved in the processing of rewards and punishments. (科学家发现,putamen参与了奖励和惩罚的加工过程。)
5. Parkinson's disease is characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the putamen.(帕金森病的特征是putamen中多巴胺能神经元的退化。)
6. Lesions in the putamen have been linked to problems with motor coordination.(putamen损伤与运动协调问题有关。)
7. The putamen receives input from the cortex and sends output to other parts of the brain.(putamen接收来自皮层的输入,向大脑其他部分发送输出。)
8. Imaging studies have shown that the putamen is activated when we experience pleasure.(成像研究表明,当我们体验愉悦时,putamen会被激活。)
9. Damage to the putamen has been linked to a range of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and addiction.(putamen损伤与多种精神障碍有关,包括精神分裂症和成瘾。)