1. Paralonchurus属的鱼通常生活在潮汐平原地区的沿海浅海水域中,是渔民们非常喜爱的品种。
(英语:Fish in the genus Paralonchurus usually live in the shallow coastal waters of tidal plain areas and are highly prized by fishermen.)
2. Paralonchurus hemileucurus是一种体型较小的鱼类,主要分布在南美洲的沿海地区。
(英语:Paralonchurus hemileucurus is a small-sized fish species mainly distributed in the coastal areas of South America.)
3. 这家餐厅提供的Paralonchurus菜肴是他们的特色之一。
(英语:The Paralonchurus dish offered by this restaurant is one of their specialties.)
4. Paralonchurus属的鱼富含蛋白质和优质脂肪,是营养丰富的食材。
(英语:Fish in the genus Paralonchurus are rich in protein and high-quality fat, making them a nutritious ingredient.)
5. 在巴西的一些沿海城市,Paralonchurus属的鱼是当地人们的传统美食之一。
(英语:In some coastal cities in Brazil, fish in the genus Paralonchurus are one of the traditional foods of the locals.)
6. 通过对Paralonchurus属鱼类的研究,科学家们可以更好地了解海洋生态系统的运作机制。
(英语:Through the study of fish in the genus Paralonchurus, scientists can better understand the operational mechanisms of marine ecosystems.)
7. 这家鱼市场上销售的Paralonchurus属鱼类自然生长,没有添加任何化学物质。
(英语:The Paralonchurus fish for sale in this fish market are naturally grown and free from any chemical additives.)
8. Paralonchurus属鱼类的肉质鲜美,适合烤、蒸或煮食。
(英语:Fish in the genus Paralonchurus have delicious flesh and are suitable for grilling, steaming or boiling.)
9. 在墨西哥湾沿岸地区,Paralonchurus属鱼类是当地渔民的主要捕捞对象之一。
(英语:In the coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico, fish in the genus Paralonchurus are one of the main fishing targets of local fishermen.)