Ebola Syndrome是什么意思 Ebola Syndrome的读音、翻译、用法

Ebola Syndrome是什么意思 Ebola Syndrome的读音、翻译、用法

'Ebola Syndrome'是英语词汇,中文翻译为“埃博拉病毒综合征”。这个词语指的是感染埃博拉病毒后引发的严重疾病,主要表现为发热、呕吐、腹泻、肌肉疼痛等,严重者甚至出现内出血等症状,病死率较高。

以下是9个含有“Ebola Syndrome”的例句:

1. The Ebola syndrome is caused by a virus that spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids of infected people or animals.(“Ebola综合征”是由一种病毒引起的,通过与感染者或动物体液的直接接触而传播。)

2. Doctors are still struggling to find a cure for the Ebola syndrome.(医生们仍在努力寻找治疗“Ebola综合征”的方法。)

3. The Ebola syndrome outbreak in West Africa in 2014 caused a global health emergency.(xx年发生在西非的“Ebola综合征”爆发引起了全球卫生紧急状态。)

4. The Ebola syndrome has been contained in some African countries through effective public health measures.(通过有效的公共卫生措施,一些非洲国家已经控制了“Ebola综合征”的传播。)

5. The Ebola syndrome is not as easily transmitted as some other infectious diseases such as the flu.(与流感等其他传染病相比,“Ebola综合征”不那么容易传播。)

6. Healthcare workers are at high risk of contracting the Ebola syndrome.(医护人员容易感染“Ebola综合征”。)

7. The Ebola syndrome can be diagnosed through blood tests and other laboratory tests.(可以通过血液检测等实验室检测方法来诊断“Ebola综合征”。)

8. The Ebola syndrome is not airborne and can only be transmitted through direct contact with bodily fluids.(“Ebola综合征”不是通过空气传播的,只能通过直接接触体液传播。)

9. The symptoms of the Ebola syndrome can range from mild to severe, and can be fatal in some cases.(“Ebola综合征”的症状轻重不一,某些情况下可能致命。)

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