1. Don't be fooled by his bluff, he's actually quite insecure. (别被他的吓唬所迷惑,他其实很不自信。)
2. The company's bluff about their financial situation was quickly uncovered. (公司对其财务状况的虚张声势很快被揭穿了。)
3. His bluff worked and the competitor backed down. (他的欺骗让竞争者退缩了。)
4. The politician's bluff failed and he was exposed as a liar. (政客的虚张声势失败了,他被揭露为骗子。)
5. She was called out on her bluff and had to admit she didn't know the answer. (她的虚张声势被揭穿了,她不得不承认自己不知道答案。)
6. I could tell he was bluffing, so I called him on it. (我能感觉到他是在吓唬我,于是我揭穿了他。)
7. The teacher saw right through the student's bluff and gave him a failing grade. (老师看穿了学生的虚张声势,给了他不及格的成绩。)
8. His bluffing tactics may work on some people, but not on me. (他的吓唬策略可能对一些人有效,但对我没用。)
9. The company's bluff was called by the media, leading to a public relations disaster. (公司的虚张声势被媒体揭穿,导致公共关系灾难。)