‘Ditylenchus dipsaci’是拉丁语,表示小麦白线虫,也称为白线虫病菌。它是一种寄生性线虫,能够繁殖和感染许多植物,特别是禾本科作物,如小麦、大麦、燕麦等。它会导致植物发生萎缩、变矮、叶片变黄、减少产量等症状,对农业生产造成严重损失。
以下是9个含有‘Ditylenchus dipsaci’的例句:
1. Ditylenchus dipsaci parasitizes a wide range of grasses, including wheat, barley and oats.(Ditylenchus dipsaci能寄生多种草本植物,包括小麦、大麦和燕麦等。)
2. White tip disease caused by Ditylenchus dipsaci is a major threat to wheat production.(小麦白尖病是由Ditylenchus dipsaci引起的,对小麦生产构成了重大威胁。)
3. Farmers should prevent the spread of Ditylenchus dipsaci by using clean seed and soil.(农民应该通过使用干净的种子和土壤来防止Ditylenchus dipsaci的传播。)
4. Ditylenchus dipsaci infection can reduce wheat yield by up to 50%.(Ditylenchus dipsaci感染可以使小麦产量降低50%。)
5. Early detection of Ditylenchus dipsaci can help prevent the spread of the disease.(早期发现Ditylenchus dipsaci有助于预防病害的传播。)
6. The control of Ditylenchus dipsaci in wheat requires a combination of chemical and cultural measures.(防治小麦白线虫病需要化学和文化措施的综合运用。)
7. Ditylenchus dipsaci can survive in soil and infect plants for several years.(Ditylenchus dipsaci可以在土壤中存活并感染植物多年。)
8. The damage caused by Ditylenchus dipsaci can be mistaken for other plant diseases, making it difficult to diagnose.(由于Ditylenchus dipsaci造成的损害与其他植物病害相似,因此难以诊断。)
9. The use of resistant varieties is an effective way to control Ditylenchus dipsaci in wheat.(使用抗病品种是控制小麦白线虫病的有效方法。)