1. 'Pocatello'是美国的词语,翻译为“波卡特洛”。
2. 'Pocatello'是爱达荷州的一座城市,位于西部地区。
3. 我们计划去波卡特洛远足。
We plan to hike in Pocatello.
4. 波卡特洛市政厅坐落在市中心。
The city hall of Pocatello is located in the downtown area.
5. 我的姐姐在波卡特洛州立大学读书。
My sister is studying at Idaho State University in Pocatello.
6. 波卡特洛是一个历史悠久的城市,有很多博物馆可以参观。
Pocatello is a historically rich city with many museums to visit.
7. 今年夏天我想去波卡特洛看一场棒球比赛。
This summer, I want to go to Pocatello to watch a baseball game.
8. 波卡特洛的天气非常适合户外运动。
The weather in Pocatello is perfect for outdoor activities.
9. 我们在波卡特洛度过了一个美好的周末。
We had a wonderful weekend in Pocatello.