'deus ex machina'是拉丁语,字面意思是“从机械装置中出现的神”,在戏剧中指突然出现的神奇力量或角色,以解决剧情中的难题。
以下是9个含有'deus ex machina'的例句:
1. In the novel, the protagonist's sudden inheritance of a fortune was a deus ex machina that saved him from his financial struggles.(小说中,主角突然继承了一大笔财产,成为他摆脱经济困境的万能救星。)
2. The movie's ending felt contrived and relied heavily on a deus ex machina to tie up loose ends. (这部电影结局过于牵强,依靠机械上帝来收尾。)
3. The play's climax was intense and emotional, but the sudden appearance of a deus ex machina cheapened the impact. (戏剧高潮激烈感人,但突然出现的机械上帝削弱了影响力。)
4. The story's resolution felt rushed and unsatisfying, as if the author had relied on a deus ex machina to bring everything to a close. (故事结局匆忙、令人不满,仿佛作者依赖机械上帝来结束一切。)
5. The hero's sudden acquisition of a superpower felt like a deus ex machina, but it set up the rest of the series nicely. (英雄突然得到超能力似乎是机械上帝,但它为整个系列奠定了良好的基础。)
6. The novel's climax was filled with tension and danger, but the resolution felt too easy, as if the author had used a deus ex machina to wrap things up. (小说高潮处充满紧张和危险,但结局过于简单,仿佛作者使用机械上帝来收尾。)
7. The sudden appearance of a long-lost relative felt like a deus ex machina, but it added an unexpected twist to the story. (远房亲戚的突然出现似乎是机械上帝,但它为故事增添了意外的转折。)
8. The play relied heavily on a deus ex machina to resolve the conflict, but the acting and dialogue were strong enough to make up for it. (戏剧依赖机械上帝来解决冲突,但演员的表演和对话足以弥补这一点。)
9. The movie's resolution felt predictable and disappointing, as if the writers had used a deus ex machina to avoid taking risks. (电影结局既可预见又令人失望,仿佛编剧使用机械上帝来避免冒险。)