1. Adelgidae are a family of insects that feed on conifers.(杉小蠹科是一种以针叶为食的昆虫家族。)
2. The woolly adelgid is a species of Adelgidae that causes damage to hemlock trees.(棉絮杉小蠹是一种对铁杉造成损害的杉小蠹科物种。)
3. Adelgidae infestations can lead to the decline of conifer forests.(杉小蠹科的大量寄生会导致针叶林的衰退。)
4. The Adelgidae life cycle involves winged and wingless generations.(杉小蠹科的生命周期包括有翅和无翅世代。)
5. The presence of Adelgidae on fir trees can cause needle drop and stunted growth.(杉小蠹科出现在冷杉上会导致叶针脱落和生长受阻。)
6. Scientists are studying the genetics of Adelgidae to find ways to control their population.(科学家正在研究杉小蠹科的基因组,以找到控制它们数量的方法。)
7. Adelgidae can reproduce rapidly under favorable conditions.(在有利条件下,杉小蠹科可以快速繁殖。)
8. Hemlock woolly adelgid is an invasive species of Adelgidae that originated from Japan.(棉絮杉小蠹是一种源自日本的入侵性杉小蠹科物种。)
9. Integrated pest management is an effective approach to control Adelgidae infestations.(综合虫害管理是控制杉小蠹科大量寄生的有效方法。)