1. Betula pendula是北欧地区最常见的白桦树种。(英语)
Betula pendula is the most common species of birch in the northern regions.
2. 在医学中,Betula platyphylla的叶子可以用于治疗糖尿病。(韩语)
In medicine, the leaves of Betula platyphylla can be used for treating diabetes.
3. 在芬兰,Betula nana是一种非常受欢迎的观赏植物。(芬兰语)
In Finland, Betula nana is a very popular ornamental plant.
4. Betula pubescens在俄罗斯各地都很常见。(俄语)
Betula pubescens is common throughout Russia.
5. 在日本,Betula maximowicziana是一种重要的林木资源。(日语)
In Japan, Betula maximowicziana is an important forest resource.
6. Betula utilis可以在喜马拉雅山区域内找到。(印地语)
Betula utilis can be found in the Himalayan region.
7. Betula alleghaniensis是美国东部地区的一种本土树种。(英语)
Betula alleghaniensis is a native tree species in the eastern United States.
8. 在俄罗斯语中,Betula pendula被称为白桦。(俄语)
In Russian, Betula pendula is called white birch.
9. Betula papyrifera常被用作制作纸张的原材料。(英语)
Betula papyrifera is often used as a raw material for making paper.