Royston Drenthe是什么意思 Royston Drenthe的读音、翻译、用法

Royston Drenthe是什么意思 Royston Drenthe的读音、翻译、用法

'Royston Drenthe'是来自荷兰语的词语,指的是一位荷兰职业足球运动员,他曾效力于荷兰多支球队以及西班牙皇家马德里等豪门俱乐部。常见的中文翻译为“罗斯顿·德伦特”。


1. Royston Drenthe是一名出色的左边锋球员。

(Royston Drenthe is an excellent left winger.)

2. 西班牙皇家马德里曾是Royston Drenthe的雇主。

(Real Madrid in Spain was once the employer of Royston Drenthe.)

3. Royston Drenthe于xx年加盟埃因霍温足球俱乐部。

(Royston Drenthe joined the football club of PSV Eindhoven in 2010.)

4. Royston Drenthe在比赛中射门不准确。

(Royston Drenthe is not accurate in his shooting during matches.)

5. 在他的职业足球生涯中,Royston Drenthe共获得了多项荣誉。

(Royston Drenthe has won many honours in his professional football career.)

6. 作为一名职业球员,Royston Drenthe的身体素质非常出众。

(Royston Drenthe has an outstanding physical condition as a professional player.)

7. Royston Drenthe与他的队友们在比赛中默契配合。

(Royston Drenthe has a good understanding with his teammates during matches.)

8. Royston Drenthe的速度非常快,经常在球场上制造威胁。

(Royston Drenthe is very fast and often creates threats on the field.)

9. Royston Drenthe在比赛中犯规被罚下场。

(Royston Drenthe was sent off for committing a foul during a match.)

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